
# Get the latest news and events happening in Bethlehem and with Holy Land Trust

The Holy Land Trust’s latest rebuilding project has been featured in a short film made by global broadcaster, AJ+.
Posted by hlt / Explore...
“My name is Hala, I am seven years old. I live with my eight siblings in a small house in the city of Al-Khader. Our house has been demolished 2 times already, and I feel afraid all the time that the Israelis might come and demolish it again.
Posted by hlt / Explore...
The global pandemic has hit Palestine hard. With over 3,000 deaths and nearly 300,000 infections its put our health systems under strain, left families bereaved and changed all our lives in some way.
Posted by hlt / Explore...
“Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” Matthew 8:20
Posted by hlt / Explore...
The village of Al Walaja does not appear on the itineraries of tourist groups or pilgrims who visit the Holy Land. But for those who do make the effort to visit the village, they will be struck by the beauty of the landscape, the warmth of the welcome and the visible, devastating impact of the occupation.
Posted by hlt / Explore...
We started our Home Rebuilding program in 2011 in response to one of the cruelest injustices of the occupation of Palestine, the demolition of homes. Since then we have worked on five rebuilding projects alongside Holy Land Trust, local communities, skilled local tradesmen, and most importantly, the families whose homes were demolished.
Posted by hlt / Explore...
The Khyara family realized their lifelong dream in 2017 when, after years of saving and help from family members, they were able to build a home for their family.
Posted by EliasDeis / Explore...